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Why is a Pregnant Woman’s Prayer Accepted?

Why is a Pregnant Woman’s Prayer Accepted?
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The prayers of pregnant women are important. There is a belief that the prayers of a pregnant woman are accepted. Since pregnant women are in a process in which they are the most helpless in terms of both soul and body at that time, it is believed that their prayer door is open. Therefore, it is thought that the prayers of a pregnant woman are accepted.

Motherhood is a sacred duty. Since the period of pregnancy that women go through in the process of becoming a mother is also sacred, the prayer of the pregnant woman is accepted. It is recommended that the pregnant woman pray with good intentions rather than cursing while praying. There are many issues that are curious about the acceptance of the prayers of pregnant women. In order to better understand the subject, issues such as whether the prayer of the pregnant woman will be accepted, what are the prayers that the pregnant woman should read, why the prayer of the pregnant woman will be accepted are of curiosity.

Is the Prayer of a Pregnant Woman Accepted?

The question of whether the prayer of a pregnant woman will be accepted is one of the most curious issues. In this regard, it is said that the acceptance of prayers during pregnancy is more possible than in other periods. The period of pregnancy, which is as sacred as bringing a baby into the world and in which women have many difficulties in many respects, is a process in which human helplessness is felt more. For this reason, the prayers of women who pray during pregnancy are accepted.

During pregnancy, the prayers of a pregnant woman for her baby to be born are of great importance. As stated in the hadith of the Prophet, it is believed that the prayers of parents for their children will be accepted. In this period when the pregnant woman endures all kinds of trouble and hardship to bring her child into the world, it is thought that the prayers she will make for her baby will be accepted due to both pregnancy and parental qualities. For this reason, one should not neglect to pray for a good child during pregnancy.

Prayers for Pregnant Women

There are many prayers and asmas that can be counted within the prayers that pregnant women should recite. Some of these are prayers for raising a healthy and auspicious child. On the other hand, there are also prayers for the pregnancy process to be easy and comfortable. In order for the mother and the baby to go through the birth process easily and to have an easy birth with little pain, the mother should recite Ayetel Kürsi.

The pregnant woman should pray after every prayer, remembering that the prayers she has made are likely to be accepted. It is much better if the prayers are made with good intentions. Indeed, both the prayer and the curse of a pregnant woman will be accepted. But it is best to pray with good intentions.

Why is a Pregnant Woman’s Prayer Accepted?

It is a common belief in society that the prayers of people in difficult situations are accepted. It is an obvious fact that women going through a difficult and troubled period such as pregnancy are also in a difficult situation during pregnancy. For this reason, it is believed that the prayers made by pregnant women are accepted. There are points to be known about why the prayer of a pregnant woman is accepted.

Namely, it is thought that pregnant women are in a helpless state because they experience various difficulties and difficulties during pregnancy and therefore their prayers are accepted. As stated in many sources, especially scholars, it is believed that the prayer of the pregnant woman is accepted. However, it is beneficial for people to pray continuously after their worship.

Prayer of a Pregnant Woman

The prayers and worships to be performed by a pregnant woman are very important for both herself and her baby in a spiritual sense. Accordingly, there are some prayers and worships that are recommended to be done during pregnancy. For example, it is recommended that the pregnant woman perform ablution while eating. It is also very good for the baby to constantly read and listen to the Holy Quran.

The mother should take the necessary level of care to protect herself from sins. It is also important to pray a lot and say the rosary after prayers. It is also important to read Yasin-i Sharif at least once a day. If it is possible, it is very good to recite the Qur’an throughout pregnancy. When the pregnant woman realizes that the baby is moving, it is spiritually beneficial for the baby to bring a lot of salavat and recite Surah Ikhlas.

Prayers to be recited for the baby during pregnancy

There are various prayers to be recited during pregnancy for the baby to be moral, healthy, auspicious, intelligent and well-mannered. The first thing a pregnant woman prays for is to have a good and healthy child. One of the recommended prayers for a good son is the Sübhanallahi wa bihamdihi prayer seventy thousand times during the first four months of pregnancy. In addition, verse 189 of Surah Araf can be recited after the prayers. It is also recommended to recite Surah Anbiya to have a son with good morals.

Prayers to be done before birth

Praying before birth is very important for the health of both the baby and the mother. In his hadith, the Prophet is reported to have instructed those around him during the birth of Fatima to recite Surahs Nas-Falak, Ayat al-Kursi and the 54th verse of Surah Araf. Prenatal prayer helps the mother to have a more comfortable birth. It also helps the baby to be healthy and auspicious.

Labor pains are one of the difficult and distressing situations experienced by every pregnant woman. There are prayers that should be made for the mother’s uterus to open comfortably while she is in labor. Thanks to the prayers read in this process, the mother is ensured to be comfortable throughout the birth. It is good to read Surah Inshikak for the mother to have an easy birth as soon as the labor pains begin.

Prayer opens many doors both materially and spiritually and leads to good deeds. For this reason, it is very important for the mother and baby to pray a lot during pregnancy and at the time of birth.

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