What is a colonoscopy? What happens after colonoscopy? What are the comments of those who have had it? questions are among the most researched topics, especially by people who need to have a colonoscopy procedure.
Colonoscopy is one of the endoscopy methods in which the large intestine and rectum are examined. In this procedure, polyps in the large intestine are removed and tissue samples are taken for examination in the laboratory. Thanks to the colonoscopy procedure performed by entering the rectum, diagnostic and therapeutic applications are decided.
Colonoscopy, which is performed with a flexible tube with a light and a camera at the end of the intestine, is applied to determine whether there are signs of cancer in the large intestine or whether defecation problems are caused by the large intestine.
In Which Diseases Is Colonoscopy Performed?
Especially in which diseases is colonoscopy performed? The colonoscopy procedure, which is basically performed for diagnostic purposes, is applied to diagnose problems occurring in the intestine. The diseases that are generally recommended and cause the procedure to be applied are as follows;
- Unexplained anemia or iron deficiency
- Chronic constipation
- Chronic diarrhea
- Rectal bleeding
- Unexplained weight loss
- Abdominal pain that does not go away
In addition to these, colonoscopy is performed for colon cancer screening and polyp control in order to detect colon cancer or rectal cancer early if there is no complaint in the colonoscopy procedure. People over the age of 50 should have a colonoscopy every 5 years, especially those with a family history of colon or rectal cancer.
As for polyp control, people who have previously had polyp problems in the intestinal area should undergo colonoscopy control at regular intervals and have polyp control.
How is Colonoscopy Performed?
When performing colonoscopy, both legs are pulled towards the chest and the examination is started in the left reclining position and then anesthesia is applied to the patient and the procedure is started. First, the colonoscopy device is first advanced towards the end of the large intestine and then the intestine is inflated by giving air through colonoscopy and the inner surface of the intestine is made visible.
The colonoscopy is then pushed a little further and all parts of the large intestine are examined in detail up to the junction of the small intestine and large intestine and takes an average of 20 to 30 minutes. Finally, the last part of the small intestine is examined in detail by moving from the large intestine to the small intestine and the procedure is terminated.
When deemed appropriate and necessary, tissue samples are taken and these samples are sent to the laboratory for detailed examination.
What Should Be Considered Before Colonoscopy?
Complaints after colonoscopy can usually occur in cases of non-compliance with the things to be considered before colonoscopy. However, the main cause of these complaints may not be the lack of attention to the conditions that should be paid attention to beforehand, and in some cases, the experience of the doctor who performs the colonoscopy procedure is also an important factor.
Before the colonoscopy procedure is performed, the doctor must obtain detailed information about the patient’s regular medications and conditions such as diabetes, heart or lung.
In addition, the doctor warns that the person who will undergo colonoscopy should not consume solid food, especially 1 day before, by restricting the consumption of certain foods. People should not eat or drink anything after midnight before the procedure. During the colonoscopy procedure, some medications or liquid enemas are administered to the patient to keep the intestines clean.
What Should Be Considered After Colonoscopy?
There are some important issues to be considered especially after the colonoscopy procedure. After the procedure is completed, the patient needs to be kept under observation for an average of 1 hour and it is possible to be sent home after this process. However, within the 1-hour period, the first defecation after colonoscopy is very important and it is not possible to discharge the patient without the first defecation.
At the same time, in case of symptoms such as fever, chills, severe abdominal pain, bloating, blood in the stool, rectal bleeding, heart palpitations, chest pain, nausea, vomiting or dizziness, the patient should be directly intervened in the process, and outside the 1-hour process, the patient should go directly to the nearest health institution.
The patient needs to rest for 1 day before returning to his/her daily routine and it is possible that the patient may feel bloated during this period. At the same time, the patient may experience gas pains due to the carbon dioxide gas given to the intestines during the procedure and it may be possible to see a small amount of blood in the stool. While a small amount of blood is considered normal in this regard, in case of active bleeding, a doctor should be consulted.
After the colonoscopy procedure is completed, it is possible for the patient to return to his/her routine diet and to consume normal nutrition and fluids. However, if polyp removal or biopsy procedures are performed during the procedure, doctors apply a special diet program to patients and the patient must comply with the diet program for the period recommended by the doctor.
Is Colonoscopy Harmful?
Is colonoscopy harmful? The question is one of the most frequently asked and answered questions, especially by people who are considering having this operation. Colonoscopy has become a significantly risk-free operation in terms of risk and harm, especially thanks to today’s developing technology. However, there are also important risks that can be experienced in this operation.
In particular, the most serious complication that people may experience during colonoscopy is the perforation or rupture of the large intestine during this operation. Although this complication of rupture and perforation is extremely rare today, in such a case, a surgical intervention is performed for the large intestine and this situation is eliminated.
In line with the risks and harms of colonoscopy, this operation cannot be performed for everyone and is not recommended for people with various conditions. In particular, it is extremely risky for people with stomach, kidney and heart diseases, as well as aortic swelling, blood disease and pregnancy to have a colonoscopy.
For this reason, specialists should examine the person in detail before the colonoscopy and determine whether they are fully compatible with the procedure. Due to the serious complications that may occur, people with one of these conditions should definitely not have this procedure.
Reviews After Colonoscopy
Among the comments after colonoscopy, there are both those who are satisfied with the procedure and those who are not. Especially in this process, the experience and correct application of the physician who performs the procedure is decisive on the comments.
- “I have been undergoing annual examinations for two years due to stomach complaints. Last year’s treatment was quite successful. I hope we will get the same result this time. Meral Hodja is very interested and very successful in following the patient. I have had an endoscopy procedure before. She is so experienced that your fears disappear completely.”
- “Hoarseness, reflux, esophageal obstruction, abdominal bloating, suspicion of gastritis, request for colonoscopy. Endoscopy and Colonoscopy procedure was painless and problem-free. I think the treatment process will be positive and beneficial.”
- “They perform the colonoscopy under anesthesia. But this is not anesthesia as you know it. It numbs you and prevents you from feeling pain.”
- “Friends, before the colonoscopy you are told that you have to follow a special diet. Vegetable dishes, fruits, raw vegetables, garlic, olives, olives, corn, nuts, sesame bagels are forbidden. You will also not add ketchup, mint, red pepper to your meals. You will not use sweeteners.”
- “I had a colonoscopy and did not experience any discomfort after the procedure. A one-day incapacity report is enough. Gas accumulation in the abdomen is the biggest problem, but it does not cause excessive pain.”