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What is an Extremity? What is Limb Loss?

What is an Extremity? What is Limb Loss?
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What is limb loss? Limb is a Latin word meaning arms and legs. There are many bones located here. The extremity is divided into upper and lower extremities. It is referred to as the end part of an organ.

The bones in both regions differ. Basically, the upper extremity consists of the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist and hand. Some of the joints here are as follows;

  1. Sternoclavicular joint
  2. Acromioclavicular joint
  3. Glenohumeral joint
  4. Scapulothoracic joint

Apart from these, some of the muscles in the upper extremity are as follows;

  1. Deltoideus
  2. Rotator Cuff
  3. Humerus
  4. Biceps Brachii
  5. Triceps Brachii

What is the lower extremity constitutes the lower part of the body. This includes the pelvis, thighs, knees, legs, ankles and feet. Some of the muscles present here are as follows;

  1. Gluteus Minimus
  2. Gluteus Medius
  3. Gluteus Maximus
  4. Anterior and Posterior Tilt

What is limb loss basically includes losses that occur in the lower or upper region. Concepts such as lower right and lower left indicate where the loss occurs.

What are Upper and Lower Extremity Injuries?

Upper and lower extremity injuries can occur in different parts of the body. When upper extremity injuries are examined, the following syndromes related to the shoulder region are seen;

  1. Impingement syndrome
  2. Rotator Cuff tear
  3. Acute anterior shoulder dislocation
  4. Acute posterior shoulder dislocation
  5. Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior Lesion
  6. Rupture of the long tendon of the biceps muscle

Apart from these, there are other injuries that concern the region. Some of these injuries are as follows;

  1. Lateral epicondylitis
  2. Medial epicondylitis
  3. Elbow fractures
  4. Elbow dislocations
  5. Biceps tendonitis
  6. Medial and posterolateral ligament injuries
  7. Scaphoid fracture
  8. Finger fractures

It includes different topics with lower extremity injuries. These can be examined in items as follows;

  1. Athlete groin pain
  2. Athlete’s hernia
  3. Periostitis
  4. Snapping hip
  5. Adductor tendinitis
  6. Quadriceps contusion
  7. Thigh bursitis
  8. Iliotibial band friction syndrome
  9. Meniscus injuries
  10. Anterior cruciate ligament injury

Each of these is seen in different areas. These are the main features of upper and lower extremity injuries. Treatment methods differ in each of them.

What is Limb Loss and Why Does It Happen?

Limb loss refers to the loss of the upper or lower extremities. The reasons for this may differ in each patient. However, when examined in outline, reasons such as the following are noticed;

  1. Problems with Blood Circulation
  2. Severe Cases
  3. Injuries as a Result of Traffic Accidents
  4. Injuries as a result of military clashes
  5. Injuries from Different Causes
  6. Cancer
  7. Birth Defects

However, it is very important to optimize the patient medically before deciding on amputation. In particular, doctors may decide to perform this procedure in patients with symptoms such as

  1. Irreparable Trauma
  2. Irreparable Loss of Blood Supply
  3. Malignant Disease
  4. Severe Contracture
  5. Infection
  6. Congenital Deformities
  7. Burns
  8. Thermal/Electrical Injury
  9. Freezing
  10. Peripheral Vascular Disease
  11. Complications from Diabetes

In this respect, it includes surgeries to remove all or part of the external limbs.

What are the Types of Limb Loss?

Limb loss can occur in the lower and upper body parts. Lower and upper limb loss is divided into areas such as

  1. Loss of Above Knee Extremity
  2. Loss of Extremity Below the Knee
  3. Removal of Lower Leg, Foot and Toes
  4. Loss of Arm Extremity
  5. Loss of El Extremity
  6. Loss of Finger Extremity
  7. Loss of Foot Extremity
  8. Removing Part of the Foot
  9. Loss of Toe Extremity

Apart from these, there are also different situations.

Complications of Limb Loss

Patients may undergo surgery for upper and lower limb injuries or for other reasons. In this case, there are situations expressed as limb loss. There are some complications that may be encountered after the operation and they are as follows;

  1. Phantom limb pain/sensations: Pain or sensations may occur in the missing limb. This is likely to be neuropathic.
  2. Residual limb pain: This is probably musculoskeletal and localized in nature due to remodeling of scar tissues, fascia and muscles.
  3. Edema: Localized swelling is a complication that is very likely to occur in amputations
  4. Contracture formation Contractures are a musculoskeletal condition that causes muscles, tendons or other tissues to stiffen or harden, leading to deformity and stiffness of the joints.
  5. Body Asymmetry: An amputation creates weight distribution changes and can shift the center of gravity, which can lead to compensatory mechanisms in function and gait, causing pain, spasms or discomfort in other parts of the body.
  6. Skin Rash: In the weeks following amputation, skin breakdown may occur at the site of surgery for a variety of reasons, including comorbidities, excessive bleeding, infection, edema and poor wound healing due to poor dressing techniques. In the long term, this complication may occur due to assistive devices or prostheses that the patient may use.

Your doctor may prescribe special treatment methods in such cases.

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