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Reviews of those who have a Platinum Waist

Reviews of those who have a Platinum Waist
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It is very curious and important for people who want to get information and have an idea about this treatment method, which is considered to be applied with the comments of those who have platinum implanted in the waist. It is possible to encounter both positive and negative comments for this method, which has quite complex thoughts especially among the public.

For this reason, many people experience confusion due to the comments from their environment and the comments written by people on the sites where opinions about this treatment are reported, and may have great difficulty in making a decision for this treatment.

When it is necessary to apply a platinum to this area for the solution of health problems related to waist health, it is very important that both the quality of this platinum and its adaptation to the body are very important. If the platinum to be applied is of poor quality or does not adapt to the body, this treatment carries significant risks for people’s bodies and the results of the treatment can be even worse.

Placing a platinum in the lower back is both extremely risky and very difficult. For this reason, the doctor who will perform this platinum surgery must be highly specialized and successful in this field. After a wrong or problematic operation, this platinum can cause more serious problems and complaints.

As a treatment method applied for health problems such as herniated disc, slipped disc, spinal curvature, spinal curvature, spinal slippage and scoliosis, it is seen that people stay between having it done or not because it is a particularly difficult surgery and the risks it carries in case of a negative experience.

Symptoms of Platinum Loosening in the Lower Back

The symptoms of loosening of the platinum in the lower back are manifested especially with severe low back pain, and people can be very uncomfortable due to the low back pain caused by the loosening screws, as the loosening screws disturb and put pressure on the area where they are located. Since this loosening is one of the most risky conditions, people who experience loosening of the platinum in the lower back should undergo surgery again.

Risks of Platinum Placement in the Low Back

Platinum treatment for the lower back can be very dangerous, especially if it is not applied correctly, even if it is applied correctly, if a poor quality platinum is applied for this treatment or if the applied platinum does not adapt to the body, and people may face more serious problems after this treatment.

Therefore, it is a very difficult and risky surgery. However, with a successful surgery performed by highly specialized and experienced doctors in this field, people can even live with this platinum for a lifetime without any problems.

In other words, the risks of wearing a platinum in the waist arise if this surgery is not performed as it should be, especially when the right doctor is preferred and very positive results can be obtained with both a successful operation and a quality platinum.

While people remain quite indecisive, especially due to this risk rate, it may also be the case that the platinum to be applied to the waist of the person may not be compatible with the body, and in this case, a very painful and painful process may await the person. However, this risk is very low and can occur very rarely. If the body does not accept the platinum, the symptoms can lead to disability.

In addition, another situation that can be experienced is platinum loosening in the lower back. This can be an extremely painful process. For this reason, all examinations and MRIs should be carried out with great care, all details should be examined when deciding on surgery, and this surgery should be performed if it is completely compatible.

In short, if people have this surgery with a successful doctor, it is possible for them to recover as soon as possible and return to their old healthy life without any problems related to the platinum inserted in the waist.

Lumbar Platinum Insertion Recovery Process

After the insertion of a platinum in the lower back, there is a healing process that people must undergo and during this healing process, people must follow the doctor’s recommendations and rest for a certain period of time after this surgery.

There are some rules that people should especially follow during the healing process of the lumbar platinum insertion. If these rules are followed to the letter, people can return to their old state as soon as possible and continue to live smoothly by returning to their daily routines except weight lifting. All the points to be considered and the process of the process are as follows;

  • After the lumbar platinum surgery, people start to walk slowly after a rest of about 6 hours.
  • After the surgery, people can be discharged on the same day without the need for any hospitalization.
  • People who work in jobs that are not related to any weight, such as desk work, should rest for 1 week, and people who work in jobs that are involved with weight should rest for at least 10 days and then return to their work life.
  • After the surgery, people only need to climb up and down the stairs once a day, otherwise they may experience serious pain and problems.
  • During the recovery process, people should definitely rest in bed and sit only for 2 hours during the day.
  • People can easily walk at home during the recovery period if they do not force themselves too much.
  • After this surgery, a maximum of 5 kilograms of weight should be lifted for a long time and no more should be lifted.
  • After the end of the healing process after the surgery, that is, after about 3 weeks, it is very important for the success of this operation that people walk at least 1-1.5 km a day.
  • There is no harm for people to have sexual intercourse after the first three weeks after the operation.

Reviews of those who have a Platinum Waist

  • “Hello, I am Münire. I am 45 years old. 4.5 months ago there was a fire in my house and I fell and broke my spine while trying to get out of the house. I was on bed rest in the hospital for exactly 1 month. Then I used a belt at home for 2.5 months. During this time, I visited many doctors. There was no improvement in my condition. It could even cause paralysis or hunchback in the future. Then I met Prof. Dr. Orhan Şen on recommendation and soon I had surgery. The surgery was successful and 8 platinum was placed in my back. After 20 days, I was able to do the work of my house. I had waited all this time in vain. I am very, very grateful to Mr. Orhan.”
  • “My mother was diagnosed with canal narrowing, lumbar slippage and lumbar hernia and was operated in February 2013. the hernias were cleaned, the canals were opened and 6 screws were inserted. in the intervening 1 year period, her pain did not decrease and when we contacted the dr who performed the surgery, he asked for a tomography, it was said that 2 of the screws loosened in the tomography and the cause of her pain was the loosening screws. and she is currently suffering from a serious depression and does not want to be operated again.”
  • “After years of back pain and lying in bed as an abortion, it is finally a happy ending! It is not a risky operation to be feared as it is thought, it gives very good results in competent hands, you don’t even want to remember your life before the operation.”
  • “I will undergo surgery at 06:30 in the morning. Some say don’t be afraid, some say it’s a definitive solution. let’s see the result.”
  • “This is the surgery I have had 3 times in the last 5 years and will probably have again in a few months. The first one started just before the military service, increased during the recruit training, then the first surgery at the military hospital. Then a quick farewell to military service, a month later the second surgery at Hacettepe. Then a painful but generally problem-free 4 years and then the 3rd surgery. By the way, all of these surgeries were on the disc between the vertebrae called l4-l5. Before the 3rd surgery, I saw 4 different doctors and 3 of them said that these vertebrae should be fixed with screws. In order not to be Robocop, I had the 3rd surgery to the doctor who said let’s try one more time without screwing, and if that doesn’t work, we will have to screw it. It had only been 9 months between, and I think I was in a state of surgery again with a fast start a week ago. I am afraid to go to the doctor, but I think there is no escape. robocop is coming!”

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