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Is Groin and Low Back Pain a Sign of Pregnancy?

Is Groin and Low Back Pain a Sign of Pregnancy?
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Is groin and lower back pain a sign of pregnancy? My lower back hurts, can I be pregnant? is one of the most curious topics, especially for women who want to get pregnant. Although groin and lower back pain is a sign of pregnancy, the most obvious sign of pregnancy is always delays in the menstrual cycle.

Pain in the groin and lower back is a health problem seen in most women, although not in every woman when pregnant. In some women, these groin and lower back pains can be very severe, depending on their constitution. However, groin and lower back pain in women can also be caused by conditions other than pregnancy.

What does groin and lower back pain mean during pregnancy?

Women generally recognize groin and lower back pain as a sign of pregnancy, but these pains can be a sign of pregnancy or they can be caused by other conditions. In addition to pregnancy, groin and lower back pain can often be caused by excess weight gain, spinal fractures, fibroids, calcifications, muscles or ovarian cysts.

For this reason, women who suffer from groin and lower back pain and suspect that they are pregnant should definitely see a doctor and the source of these pains should be determined by the doctor. At the same time, excessive weight gain seen in some women during pregnancy can also cause groin and lower back pain.

Is Low Back Pain a Sign of Pregnancy?

One of the questions that women are most curious about the answer to is, Is low back pain a sign of pregnancy? Although the most prominent symptom of pregnancy is delayed menstruation, low back pain can also occur in women when they become pregnant. Apart from pregnancy, there may be other causes of low back pain in women.

The most common causes are ovarian cysts, fibroids and premenstrual cramps. In order to determine the cause of low back pain in the most accurate way, it is absolutely necessary to visit a doctor and take a pregnancy test. Necessary treatments are applied to low back pain that occurs outside of pregnancy.

Is Groin Pain a Sign of Pregnancy?

Groin pains experienced during pregnancy are usually caused by the stretching of the ligaments that hold the abdominal cavity. Depending on this groin pain, low back pain also occurs during pregnancy. In addition to pregnancy, groin pain in women can also occur as a result of excessive strain on the groin area.

Apart from these strains, groin pain can also be caused by stones in the bladder and kidneys, i.e. kidney stones. Groin pain during pregnancy is generally due to the rapid enlargement of the uterus.

What are the Signs of Pregnancy?

One of the most researched questions for women who are pregnant is always What are the symptoms of pregnancy? When pregnant, women may experience menstrual delays as well as lower back and groin pain. Apart from this, pregnancy symptoms generally seen in women are as follows respectively;

  • Menstrual delay
  • Low back and groin pain
  • Frequent dizziness
  • Breast tenderness
  • Chest pain
  • Digestive problems
  • Stomach problems
  • Skin problems
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Frequent urination
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Discharge bleeding that is different from menstrual bleeding
  • Increased desire to sleep
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to odor
  • Bleeding gums
  • Nasal congestion
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, i.e. numbness and tingling in the hands


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