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How much does a pacemaker cost in public hospitals?

How much does a pacemaker cost in public hospitals?
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Unlike other organs, the heart has the ability to generate electrical impulses. Thanks to the heart’s unique electrical system, the human pulse rate is between 60-100 beats/minute depending on age. It is possible for the pulse to accelerate when people exert effort or get excited. If the stimulus foci in the electrical system of the heart have difficulty in generating stimuli or if the impulses have transmission problems in the specialized conduction systems in the heart, there are cases of slowing down in the pulse. Problems in the conduction systems in the heart may require the use of a pacemaker.

Diseases in the electrical systems of the heart do not always cause a slowing of the pulse. Sometimes there can also be too much acceleration of the pulse. Excessive acceleration of the heart due to the ventricle of the heart is called a rhythm disorder. These rhythm disturbances can cause life-threatening problems for people. Specialized cardiac devices are used in the treatment of people with such arrhythmias. These devices help to correct the heart rhythm with shock therapy or special maneuvers in case of heart rhythm disturbances.

Are Pacemakers Covered by SSI?

Whether the pacemaker is covered by the SSI is one of the issues that people with heart diseases are curious about. SSI covers pacemaker prices depending on the payment amounts determined by the institution. Pacemaker prices vary between 5000 and 15000 TL. It is not possible to say a clear price as the procedure fees of hospitals may vary. Especially in private hospitals, changes in pacemaker prices are frequently seen.

All pacemakers basically consist of two parts. These parts are called the generator and the electrode. Depending on the characteristics of the pacemaker, it may be necessary to install one or more electrodes. The generator in the pacemaker is the name given to the device consisting of the battery that generates energy, the circuit that operates the battery and the connection areas of the electrodes. The electrode helps to ensure interaction between the pacemaker and the heart. There are 4 different types of pacemakers.

  • Temporary pacemakers are preferred to treat temporary slowing of the heart rhythm or electrical system problems. In addition, in emergencies requiring a permanent pacemaker, a temporary pacemaker may be preferred in the interim period until a permanent pacemaker is installed.
  • Permanent pacemakers are preferred for permanent stimulation of the heart rhythm and for the treatment of conduction problems. these devices can have 1 or 2 electrodes. The electrode thickness of these devices is usually 3-4 mm. Their length can be between 50-70 cm. The size of permanent pacemakers may vary according to the brands and models of the devices.
  • In addition to normal permanent pacemakers, ICDs are used to treat life-threatening arrhythmias. These devices have special maneuvering and shock therapy. The size of these devices may also vary depending on the brand and model.
  • The pacemaker or ICD used in heart failure is used in the treatment of people with heart failure problems who have problems in the conduction system of the heart with reduced heart function. Except in special cases, these pacemakers have 3 electrodes.

The risk to life is very low in pacemaker implantation procedures. Some problems may occur in 1-2% of pacemaker implantation procedures. Wounds in the area where the pacemaker is implanted heal between 7 and 10 days. It takes 1-2 months after the procedure for complete healing. It is important to restrict the movements of the arm at the pacemaker insertion site for 1-2 months. After 2 months, patients can return to their normal lives.

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  1. Bir sağlık çalışanı olarak uygulama çok beğendim kalp hastaların için çok daha iyi bir uygulama olmuş kalp bir çok fonksiyon için çok önemli ve bulduğunuz bu pil sayesinda daha iyi çalışacak tebrikler

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