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At What Month Is Baby Biscuit Given? When is Baby Biscuit Started?

At What Month Is Baby Biscuit Given? When is Baby Biscuit Started?
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One of the questions that women, especially new mothers, are most curious about is, in which month are Bebe biscuits given? When to start giving baby biscuits? is happening. The most correct way of feeding for newborns is to breastfeed for at least the first six months. Breast milk given in the first six months meets all the needs of the newborn baby.

At the end of six months, infants can be given additional foods in addition to breast milk to help their physical and mental development, provided that they are under control. The only point to be considered here is that when additional foods are introduced, breastfeeding should be continued.

When is Baby Biscuit Started?

Breast milk is a very important source of nutrition for newborn babies, and although babies can be fed with additional foods at the end of the sixth month, babies should definitely take breast milk for 1 year. At the end of the sixth month, with the introduction of complementary foods, baby biscuits are easily given to babies, provided that the basic nutritional material for the baby is breast milk. In this context, babies should be able to make some movements during the transition period to additional food. The things that need to be observed in order for babies to switch to complementary foods are as follows;

  • The baby who will switch to supplementary food should be able to bring his hands and some items to his mouth by himself.
  • The baby should be able to hold his head upright.
  • It is imperative that the baby is interested in the food he eats.
  • It must achieve the chewing motion.
  • The baby should be able to keep the food in his mouth in his mouth.

Additional foods and baby biscuits can be given easily to babies who start to do these movements easily and reflexively.

What Should Be Considered While Giving Baby Biscuits and Other Additional Foods to Babies?

In addition to breast milk, during the gradual transition to complementary foods, babies can be given baby biscuits, as well as other additional foods with the advice of the pediatrician. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that each baby’s body may react differently during the transition to additional food, at the end of the sixth month. In this context, the things that need to be considered in the transition process of babies to supplementary food are listed as follows;

  • While giving additional food to babies, mothers should pay attention to the fact that the baby sits upright. A baby who does not sit upright may have difficulty swallowing while eating.
  • Additional foods to be given to the baby during this transition period should be prepared in a very soft consistency. This makes it easier for babies to swallow these foods.
  • During the feeding of additional foods to the baby, it should be given without forcing it and in very small bites.
  • Among the foods to be given to babies, they should be fed in a balanced way with additional foods such as kefir, okra and pears that regulate the intestines and facilitate digestion, as well as foods that can cause constipation, such as rice, bananas and potatoes.
  • It is not right to force babies who do not want to eat additional foods, and it is a better method to feed them by getting used to and endearing them.
  • Since the immune systems of babies do not work fully in the sixth month, it is imperative that the additional foods to be fed to the babies are cleaned and washed very well during the preparation stage.
  • Animal foods should be fed to babies after they are cooked very well.
  • For the safety of babies, babies should never be left alone during supplemental feeding.
  • Steaming the vegetables to be used in baby meals will be the best method. In this way, the nutritional values ​​of the vitamins and minerals in the vegetables are preserved.
  • Due to all these, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the supplementary foods to be fed to babies consist of foods rich in vitamins, calcium, protein and minerals.
  • Baby supplementary foods should consist of seasonal fruits and vegetables. At the same time, organic vegetables and fruits will be the best option.
  • At the stage of giving additional food to babies, it should be kept in mind that breast milk is the basic food for up to 1 year. Giving additional foods as snacks between breastfeeding is the most correct feeding style for babies.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the additional foods to be given to the babies must consist of healthy products and that additional foods that are harmful to the body should not be given.

If all these points are taken into consideration, babies complete their development better with a healthy diet.


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